FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Reshape (Operation)
URL http://<geometryservice-url>/reshape
Parent Resource Geometry Service


The reshape operation is performed on a geometry service resource. It reshapes a polyline or a part of a polygon using a reshaping line.

You can provide arguments to the reshape operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json
target Description: The polyline or polygon to be reshaped.

Syntax and Examples:

JSON Structures:

"geometryType" : "<esriGeometryPolyline | esriGeometryPolygon>"
"geometry" : <geometry>
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"geometry" : { "rings" : [ [[-117,34],[-116,34],[-117,33],[-117,34]], [[-115,44],[-114,43],[-115,43],[-115,44]] ] }
reshaper Description: The single-part polyline that does the reshaping.

Syntax and Examples:

JSON Structures:

"paths" : <polyline>
  "paths" : [
sr Description: The well-known ID of the spatial reference or a spatial reference json object for the input geometry. For a list of valid WKID values, see Projected coordinate Systems and Geographic coordinate Systems.

Example Usage

Example 1: Reshape a polygon using a polyline reshaper

JSON Response Syntax

"geometryType" : "<esriGeometryPolyline | esriGeometryPolygon>"
"geometry" :

JSON Response Example

  "geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon", 
  "geometry" : 
    "rings" : 
        [6804973.14124422, 1841152.84257714], 
        [6804797.21246222, 1841029.52031723], 
        [6804463.9063703, 1841533.08886389], 
        [6804224.75560188, 1841930.7790134], 
        [6804233.40617514, 1842251.83512981], 
        [6804206.36817147, 1843554.49295756], 
        [6805395.76999214, 1843570.17796557], 
        [6805514.21168439, 1843607.51942632], 
        [6805740.68892172, 1843619.88816798], 
        [6806080.25385939, 1843657.18599364], 
        [6806290.27017164, 1843380.8292629], 
        [6806717.91137671, 1842787.4210009], 
        [6806913.66196947, 1842516.04851215], 
        [6806763.03858306, 1842410.18815956], 
        [6806319.65692389, 1842098.57165681], 
        [6806027.58532955, 1841887.91886289], 
        [6805745.21122238, 1841695.45664939], 
        [6804973.14124422, 1841152.84257714]