FRAMES | NO FRAMES 10 SP1 | 10 | 9.3.1 | 9.3 SP1
What's New in the Latest Release

Current release: 10.01 (10 SP1)

10 SP1

What's new in the ArcGIS REST API for 10

  • The Map Service resource now includes scale information (minScale and maxScale) for layers.
  • 10

    What's new in the ArcGIS REST API for 10

    Map Service Changes:

    Feature Service:

    Geometry Service Changes

    Network Analysis Service Changes

    Image Service Changes:

    GP Service Changes

    Geocode Service

    Mobile Service:

    Service Extensions:

    Spatial Reference Objects now support wkt in addition to wkid.

    Programmatic access to the REST Admin:

    Server Info:


    What's new in the ArcGIS REST API for 9.3.1

    The Solve Route operation added to the Route Network Layer:

    The following resources / operations have undergone a few changes:

    9.3 SP1

    What's new in the ArcGIS REST API for 9.3 SP1

    The following operations were added to the Geometry Service:

    The following resources / operations have undergone a few changes: